

Luxoft Serbia is a global IT company specializing in software development and creating digital strategies for the needs of various industries.

5 min read

Soft skills for developers: Essential or optional?

Soft skills can help you when buidling your career as a developer. Take a look at how to practice yours.

5 min read

Let's not wait 275 years - how women are succeeding in IT

Women in IT still face a pay gap, but efforts are underway to close it. Discover insights from Luxoft Serbia’s panel on overcoming tech career challenges.

4 min read

The Future of Driving: Automotive Software Trends Set to Revolutionize Your Ride

In a couple of years, we will be facing changes within the automotive industry. One big trend will be software-defined vehicles and company Luxoft tells us more.

5 min read

World Programmer's Day: what else interests IT professionals besides computers and codes?

Celebrate World Programmer's Day with Luxoft as we break down stereotypes and showcase the diverse hobbies of our IT experts.

6 min read

How can you play a key role in the development of the car of the future?

Have you always been interested in cars, development, and programming? then we might have a perfect opportunity for you. Luxoft tells you more in the text.

7 min read

How to prepare for the job interview and work in a global IT corporation

Did you always dream about landing your perfect job at a global IT company? If your answer is yes, we bring you all the details you need to know about it.

3 min read

How does Advanced Hiring work?

Advanced Hiring is an opportunity to receive an offer in a short period of time - from 48 to 72 hours, that is, already during the interview with the resource manager. Do you manage to do so in your company?

5 min read

The present and future of autonomous driving: how do cars interact with roads and signs?

Do you know what driving will look like in the future and what is the role of developers in it? Luxoft company shares it all.

5 min read

What do IT professionals want from Santa Claus?

How can you find a perfect company that can also be your Christmas present? The team from Luxoft shares how.

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