The Remote Interview Dress Code: What to Wear (and Not) in 2023

The Remote Interview Dress Code: What to Wear (and Not) in 2023

5 min read
The Remote Interview Dress Code What to Wear in 2

In today's fast-paced, remote-first existence, job interviews have become more challenging than ever before. Not only do we have to prove our skills and experience, but we also need to present ourselves in the best possible light.

However, with the rise of remote work and the changing attitudes towards workplace attire, the question arises: what do we wear to remote job interviews in 2023?

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of dressing appropriately for job interviews, provide specific examples of what not to wear, and offer advice on choosing outfits that convey professionalism and align with company culture.

1. The Evolution of Work Attire in the Remote Era

In the not-so-distant past, dressing for job interviews was straightforward — you wore your best suit, polished your shoes or your heels, and ensured your tie was untwisted. Expectations were that, when you finally got the post, the attire should loosen up and lose a level of formality. Reports from the good ol’ 2019 — which we’ll always hold dear as the last pre-pandemic year — already unveiled that 33% of consulted workers would hands-down quit their jobs if they were forced to wear strict, conservative attire.  

However, the rise of remote work has brought about a shift in attitudes towards workplace attire — pushing workers to loosen up an additional notch. While some companies still require their employees to dress formally, many have embraced a more casual dress code.

With remote work blurring the lines between work and home, there has been a relaxation in the dress code for many industries. The need for comfort and practicality has become more important than adhering to a formal dress code. As a result, many employees have started to wear more casual attire, with loungewear and activewear becoming more common, pushed by workers who earn monthly €1 million pay cheques.

Job statistics suggest that developers who earn less than one million a month might also get away with wearing tracksuits. With their role in high demand, employers will probably pass on even checking what a programmer was wearing. Programmers are sought for in certain European countries: An often-cited report from 2019 indicated that there were over 120,000 vacant positions in IT in Germany. The demand for coding experts never slowed down, and AI-aggregated job boards currently list more than 10,000 vacancies in the “Developer” category alone in Germany.

This reality goes back a long way. In the tech industry, where remote work has been a part of the culture for some time, the dress code has always been more relaxed than in traditional industries. However, even in the tech industry, there has been a noticeable shift towards more casual attire recently. In fact, even CEOs and other high-level executives are now seen wearing football tracksuits and hoodies, which would have been unheard of when the bubble went bust.

While the shift towards more casual attire is more evident in some industries than others, it's clear that the traditional dress code for job interviews and the workplace has evolved. This shift has been welcomed by many employees, who appreciate the comfort and practicality that comes with more casual attire, and who might now expect casual wear to be the standard. A study found out that 56% of employees surveyed preferred to work at companies with a business casual dress code.

2. Industry-Specific Expectations

It is important to keep in mind that different industries have different expectations when it comes to workplace attire. For example, a job interview at a tech startup might require a more casual dress code, while a job interview at a law firm might require a more formal dress code.

It's always a good idea to research the company's dress code before your interview. Understanding the industry-specific expectations and company culture can help you choose an outfit that aligns with their values and conveys professionalism. Failing to research the work environment could result in a missed opportunity or even a negative impression.

3. Dressing Appropriately for Remote Job Interviews

Regarding remote job interviews, dressing one level above the company dress code is always more reasonable. This strongly suggests that you take the interview seriously and are willing to make an effort. However, this doesn't mean you must stick to traditional dress codes. In 2023, even CEOs are wearing football tracksuits! This gives you the chance to have fun and express your personality through your outfit while still maintaining a professional appearance.

4. What Not to Wear in 2023

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to what you should wear to a remote job interview, there are some outfits that you should avoid. Here are some examples of what not to wear in 2023:

  • Pyjamas: While working from home might mean that you can work in your pyjamas, it's not a good idea to wear them to a job interview. Even if the interview is over a video call, you should still make an effort to dress appropriately.
  • Beachwear: While it might be tempting to wear your favourite Hawaiian shirt to your interview, it's not the best choice. Stick to outfits that are appropriate for the workplace.
  • Too much bling: While it's okay to wear accessories, try to avoid wearing too much bling. It can be distracting and take away from the focus of the interview.

5. Tips for Choosing Professional, Remote-Friendly Outfits

Now that we've covered what not to wear, let's elaborate on some tips for choosing professional, remote-friendly outfits:

  • Stick to solid colours: Solid colours are more professional and less distracting than patterns or prints.
  • Dress up your top half: Even if you're wearing sweatpants on the bottom, make sure your top half looks professional. A button-down shirt or blouse is always a safe choice.
  • Keep it simple: Avoid wearing too many accessories or distracting items. Keep your outfit simple and professional.
  • Consider the company culture: If the company has a more casual dress code, you can be a bit more relaxed in your outfit. However, if the company has a more formal dress code, you should dress accordingly.

You can always consult our Community for additional tips here:

Final thoughts...

In 2023, dressing appropriately for remote job interviews is more important than ever. While attitudes towards workplace attire are changing, it's still significant to make an effort and present yourself in the best possible light. While you can have fun with your outfit and express your personality, it's indispensable to keep it professional and not go overboard.

By following these tips and avoiding some of the common outfit mistakes, you can make a great first impression and increase your chances of landing the job. So, whether you're wearing a suit or a football tracksuit, remember to dress to impress and show your potential employer that you're serious about the job. Good luck!

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