From Local to Global: How Joberty 3.0 is Changing the Job Search Process in the IT Industry

From Local to Global: How Joberty 3.0 is Changing the Job Search Process in the IT Industry

3 min read
From Local to Global How Joberty 30 is Changing

When we launched Joberty 2.0 at the end of last year, we told you even then that we were working on something bigger. Sharing career experience, ideas, and knowledge among IT experts, matching candidates with companies, and increasing transparency in the IT world have always been our goals, but we still feel there is much space for improvement. Our actions, and our platform so far, have just opened a gate to it.

So naturally we have continued to work on our main goal and developing strategies for a bigger picture. But during the process, it was also important to define what that is (the bigger picture).

What can be our next move to make a boom in IT? - was a question we kept asking ourselves. On that note, today we are presenting you Joberty 3.0. Everything we have worked on since the Joberty 2.0 launch. The year 2023 has been a year of a lot of change. Starting with problems in Silicon Valley, major layoffs to lack of opportunities for both juniors and seniors.

Seeing and reading about your uncertainty, we have worked on a model that will put you at ease and help you reach your highest potential. Working on the new features required a new approach to the market trends, developers’ needs, and employer demands.

Create your Perfect Match profile and try it yourself:

So, what is Joberty 3.0 all about?

After initially positioning ourselves in 6 regional markets, we are now raising our platform to an even higher level. We are going GLOBAL. We have come to the conclusion that this is the perfectly logical next move that identifies with our focus.

What was once available to the IT experts in the 6 regions we were at, will now be available to EVERYONE around the world.

  1. Researching about the companies,
  2. Reading the reviews,
  3. Comparing the IT salaries,
  4. Seeking career opportunities outside your borders,
  5. Searching for remote work options in the region, but also globally,
  6. Discussions within the international IT community

are just a couple of benefits our global platform is bringing to the market.
Being aware of the trends and innovations in the tech world, another big thing Joberty has developed is an AI-matching recruitment system. A carefully designed algorithm called "Perfect match" aims to match candidates and companies that are a perfect match for each other.

What is it all about?

Candidates will have the opportunity to describe in detail their profile, and preferences in terms of company culture, projects, technologies, salary and benefits, way of working, and further development. On the other hand, companies will still advertise positions with clearly defined needs in terms of skills and experience that the candidate should possess.

What makes the Joberty AI system different now is that it will increase the chance for candidates to find a company that really suits them, and for companies to form more efficient teams.

Our goal is to assist candidates in their search by encouraging them to express what is important to them, enabling them to find the most suitable company.

Although finding the perfect job is unlikely, a harmonious relationship between candidates and employers can be achieved if both sides are aware of each other's expectations and potential. Motivated by this vision, we will make an effort to better understand the needs of the IT community and individuals within it, pushing the limits of geography and technology.

Detailed steps for creating the Perfect Match profile

Have in mind that our Perfect Match set of features is still in BETA, so if there is anything you feel we can improve please let us know here:

What does this broader reach mean for companies in these regions?

  • No geographical barriers (Higher visibility in the SEE region)
  • Perfect match between you and the developers
  • Possibility of one EB profile for several countries
  • Easier positioning in other countries
  • Advertising Remote positions

With 3.0 companies will be able to establish better cooperation between their HR and candidates. If they are planning to expand their business or looking for remote workers, this way they can position themselves in the new markets of their interest as well. Onboarding people easier and creating a better partnership become the new trend.

So, what do you think? Are you looking for a new exciting opportunity, a job, or just want to see how it all looks on the Joberty platform, feel free to take a look!
Share your thoughts and opinions with us. Our doors are open!

We are grateful for your support and invite you to keep riding this wave with us. ❤️

Joberty team

[10:27 AM]