How I changed career and got my first job in IT

How I changed career and got my first job in IT

Stefan Spira Nikolić
3 min read
How I changed career and got my first job in IT Ho

How someone without any experience in IT, with a completely different education, can start a career in this field?

Changing careers, as well as looking for a job, especially the first one can be frustrating and challenging. But with patience, commitment, and persistence, it does not have to be a problem, especially in the IT industry.

Today I am going to tell you the story of how I did it.

My name is Stefan and I am currently working as a Software QA engineer. This role is far different from the history that I was studying and dreaming about as a child.

However, on the way to a career as a QA Software Engineer, I learned a lot about myself and my interests, how the job search process works, and how to deal with the challenges that life can throw at us.

IT jobs of the future

After completing my primary studies in history at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš, I was looking for a job. Still, there were not many offers, and the competition was fierce. In order to increase my competencies, I decided to enroll in a Master's Degree in History, while simultaneously looking for other ways to improve my skills and to be more competitive in the labor market. Researching which occupations are in demand and promising, I concluded that software testing is considered one of the most promising jobs of the future.

A step towards IT

As someone with no experience in this field, but was interested in IT, I signed up for the software testing course at IT Bootcamp.

The intensive three-month experience interested me even more in IT and directed me toward a new direction in my career.

Through the course, I gained basic knowledge about software testing and experienced it in practice through the projects we worked on. It helped me decide that this is the direction I would really like to follow. Also, through the course, I met many people from the IT sector who gave me advice and helped me become part of this new community.

After completing the course, I was researching the market regarding the demand for a QA engineer. For that, I mostly used the Joberty platform where I managed to find the most relevant information about companies, the salary I can expect, and the impressions of former and current employees. Eventually, I applied for an internship at Badin Soft. That's where I learned about software development processes and how a QA engineer's job works in practice. After three months, I received an offer of permanent employment and decided to accept it.

This change was challenging and uncertain, but it gave me a different perspective and led to satisfaction in further professional development.

How to change your career successfully?

After a successful transition into the IT industry, this is my advice for a successful career change:

1. Talk to people who have succeeded in changing careers

Look for contacts in the field you want to enter and ask them how they managed to adapt and establish themselves in IT. Their experience can provide you with helpful information and inspiration.

2. Develop your skills

Consider what it takes to succeed in a new career and learn new skills. Follow trends and important news in the field and stay informed about new technologies and practices.

3. Consider the financial indicators well

Changing your career can have financial consequences, especially if you are leaving paid work. Create a financial plan to ensure you can adjust to your new lifestyle.

4. Be ready for challenges

As mentioned earlier, changing your career can be difficult and unpleasant. Be ready for the challenges that will come, whether they are financial, emotional, or related to learning new skills. Make sure you are well informed about the challenges and have the plan to deal with them. Read interviews and blogs of people who have succeeded in the field where you see yourself.

5. Develop a network of contacts

Build a network of people interested in the same industry and who can provide you with help and support. Connecting with experts in the field and attending relevant events and conferences can give you the opportunity to meet people who will be able to help and inspire you on your way to a new professional chapter.

Move on

Changing your career can be scary at the first glance, but with the right approach, perseverance, and dedication, a successful transition can be achieved.

Be prepared for the challenges that come with such a change.

You can find more experiences of others who have changed their careers or how they got their first or better job in IT in the Joberty communities - start a discussion on the topic that interests you the most!

Good luck!

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