How many videos have you watched today, and what does it have to do with Employer Branding?

How many videos have you watched today, and what does it have to do with Employer Branding?

4 min read
How many videos have you watched today and what d

In the last few years, content marketing has undergone a significant transformation and now we can safely say that video is the most effective tool you can use to connect with your target group.

According to Cisco, in 2021, the video will account for 80% of all content on the internet, and for good reason - video content leads to more interaction with viewers (59% more than when no video is used). This year, it is predicted that we will spend 100 minutes a day watching online video content (19% more than in 2019), while as many as 93% of companies in America claim that they got a new customer because of their video content on social networks.

Despite this data, many companies are still not tapping into the potential of video content. This is perhaps particularly characteristic of IT companies, whose target group (programmers) is considered not to be prone to public exposure. But this does not mean that this target group does not consume such content, quite the contrary. Programmers are advanced Internet users who spend a huge number of hours in front of a computer. Most choose video tutorials in addition to books for educational purposes. And everyone would like to see what it's like to work in the office of an IT company.

Tips&Tricks: How to make your company stand out from the sea of ​​others with the help of video?

According to Linkedin, 75% of potential candidates will contact your company several times before applying for a job, especially before the actual interview. Today, these contacts take place online in most cases. Precisely because of this, quality employer branding requires information about the company communicated through branded content, in different formats, for different platforms and target groups.

The most effective way to achieve this is - video content. Here are some ideas on how you can use video content in your employer branding strategy.

Job Listings

Whether it's your website, recruitment platforms, or social networks, you want to convey the feeling of working at your company, with key information about requirements and benefits. Even a short video can communicate a large amount of information in a fun way, aligned with the brand's colors and values. Here are some great examples:

Team Building, social gatherings, and events

Socializing and gatherings are slowly returning to our lives. And we really missed them. What remains besides priceless memories are photos and videos. Let's convert them into video formats that will be easy to share and happy to save, and all this while the impressions are still fresh.

Employee testimonials

For a good employer branding video, you don't need a Hollywood script and movie effects, it's enough to ask employees what they think about working in your company. A couple of images, some text, and a professional video template and you've got an attractive video that is top quality, and in line with brand guidelines.


Create greeting cards that will touch the hearts of your colleagues. Use materials created by teams within the company and create truly unique greeting cards for employees on their birthdays, anniversary, milestone anniversary or any other occasion.

HR communication

Even in small businesses, employees will ask questions about wages, working conditions, benefits, educational programs, business rules, and various procedures. If the HR team does not communicate the benefits of working in your company effectively, it will affect the culture of the company, the motivation of employees, and finally, the quality of candidates for open positions.

Be proactive, prepare original creatives for frequently asked questions, and share them among employees, intranet portals, and your official communication channels. This way, you'll have a well-informed and inspired workforce, while raising awareness of all the benefits you offer.

The best part is: You can do it yourself

It is clear that any company would love professional mini-films that talk about its people, and events and show its values ​​in the best possible way - but this option is too expensive for many companies. The good news is that there are simpler solutions, such as services like Videobolt, that allow your in-house team to become a source of professional and branded video content.

The developed technology allows anyone in your HR or marketing team, regardless of video creation knowledge, to create professional video content, of various purposes and formats in accordance with your company's brand. You can convert into video format the words of employees, job ads, birthday cards, boring instructions that no one wants to read, or good news that your company wants to share with employees.

With Videobolt, anyone can create branded video content with the help of advanced video templates (more than 1600 of them), for different purposes or platforms, and of different lengths and formats. All you have to do is drag-and-drop to replace the existing content (images, logos, videos, and audio), and enter the text you want, and you've got a professional, branded video.

Enhance your employer branding using video

With a good strategy, available technology, and a little input from your employees, employer branding can be very effective, even without a big budget. Enable your HR team with flexible video production, start telling your company's story without limits, and present yourself as the most desirable employer on the market.


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